GLA Honors Fellowship - International Development Track

You can select the International Development Track as a GLA Honors Fellow.

What is the International Development Track?

The GLA Honors Fellowship for International Development is about pushing your understanding of the world around you, filtered by the lens of your academic pursuits.

While you’re on your program, speak with experts in the field and get their perspective on international issues and solutions, as well as their personal challenges and struggles that make what they do worth it.

The International Development Track of an Honors Fellowship requires accepted participants to complete pre-program, on-program, and post-program assignments or projects. Learn more about each below!

Fellowship Components


While preparing for your trip and the final essasy you’ll create, you’ll need to do some research into the issues that are present in our world by analyzing one of several books or films for creative analysis and learning.

Once you’re finished your prep work, you will be asked to answer questions in a corresponding worksheet. This worksheet must be submitted before you leave for your program.


Once on your program, you will be asked to think about what type of essay you would like to write when you finish your program. Consider: What are you learning about international problems specific to your program? How did your expectations of this issue compare to the reality of what is actually happening? Is this something you’re passionate about? Why or why not?

Try and think of questions that allow you to create an essay that is unique to your experience and framed by your academic interests.

The creativity of your final essay is completely up to you. You will be able to make it your own and develop your own personal style that conveys exactly what you want say about the issues and your experience. For this reason, we will recommend that you keep a daily journal while on your program. A nightly journal entry will uncover useful questions and ideas to ask the next day.

This will help you as you complete your final essay post-program.


Once you get back home, it will be time to pull from your experience and create your essay. Creating a well formed essay is more than just going off of a format and writing what people expect. As you prepare, you will be encouraged to take some chances! The most important aspect of your essay will be your thesis. As you prepare for to write your essay as your final project, think to yourself: what are you trying to convey?

You final essay will be outlined in greater detail in your Fellowship Curriculum, which you will receive upon acceptance as an Honors Fellow in the International Development Track.

Completion of your final essay project will be the capstone to your fellowship and an incredible highlight you can feature on upcoming college applications and beyond.

How To Apply

If you wish to apply, please fill out the Honors Fellowship Application and select the International Development Track.

Fellowship applications are free. There is a Fellowship Fee you will be charged if you are accepted as a Fellow into this track.

*Please note: You must have a Google account (Gmail) to access the application and apply. If you don’t have one yet, creating a Google account is easy and takes only a few minutes. Click here to learn how.

Fellow are awarded...

A Certificate of Achievement

A Custom Metal Pin Honoring Your Achievement

A Recommendation Letter from our Executive Director

Add ‘GLA Fellow’ to Your College Application

*upon completion of the fellowship curriculum