GLA Coronavirus Travel Update:
Risk Management Plan



GLA COVID-19 Risk Management Plan 2020

GLA has developed the following risk management response plan to ensure we are taking every precaution to actively manage this evolving situation. While it is highly unlikely students or staff will be exposed to the virus that causes COVID-19 during their program, or travel to/from the program, the following outlines our training and preventive measures:



  • Consult guidelines in accordance with the official Travel Health Notices as provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
    • We may not operate a program in a destination country as defined by the CDC as having a Level 3 travel warning. In addition to the CDC, we are advised by updates from the World Health Organization and the State Department.
  • Provide safe travel guidelines to families, student, and staff:
    • Bring own hand sanitizer and / or antibacterial hand wipes for travel and on personal stash on program
    • Utilize wipes and self-care en route to program
    • **If a student is experiencing a fever, cough, or shortness of breath out of the norm 2 weeks prior to programming, we ask them to go to the doctor for further diagnosis and screening.
  • Train all staff on preventative measures and student group management.
  • Reconfirm all First Aid Kits have hand sanitizer for use when outside of the Home Base.
  • Reconfirm all Home Bases have adequate soap and washing areas.
  • Ensure Home Base Managers and cleaning staff are cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched items and surfaces, including but not limited to door handles, light switches, and taps.


During Program

  • Upon arrival, during the Student Orientation, staff will reiterate preventative measures  and establish a group culture around maintaining clean and safe processes which includes:
    • Washing hands with soap and water for 20 seconds or using alcohol hand rub containing 60% alcohol at regular intervals, before and after interacting with the local community, after toileting, and always before food.
    • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
    • Avoid close contact with sick people.
    • If you feel unwell, stay in your room, notify your group leader.
    • Sneeze into your elbow or in your shirt. If you blow your nose with a tissue, throw in waste bin and wash hands or use hand sanitizer immediately after.
    • If any student feels unwell, they are asked to be proactive for their own health and speak up immediately to staff.
    • Staff will communicate with GLA and families in event of sickness
    • We ask all students to respect the privacy of others and their health should anything occur.
  • If students or  staff present symptoms of fever, cough and shortness of breath:
    • Take temperature, we classify  fever at 100.4F or 38C.
    • Separate the person presenting symptoms into their own space to minimize contact with other group members.
    • Call our identified clinic to check symptoms and consider screening options.
    • Reach out to insurance and consult their guidance.


Post Program

  • If anyone presents symptoms upon return and/or test positive for COVID 19, notify GLA immediately.